Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Mum, I'm on TV!

Recently my boy played a tiny tiny part in a TV commercial promoting the joy of parenthood. It was made up of a series of short...really short... 1 sec kinda short... video clips of parenthood moments. 

The commercial is still being shown on channel 5 and 8 and my boy gets excited whenever he catches it. He will tell all of us to stop whatever we are doing to watch him on TV. Are you able to spot him? 

Parenthood Journeys (Mums)

On the day of filming, I was really surprised at how at ease he was with the crew and how he understood he was being film yet wasn't at all conscious about it. New surrounding, all the strangers and props and a big camera in his face yet he was so relax.

First paycheck at 4 year old. 

I asked him how he wanted to manage the money, giving him the following options.

1) Save all the money in the bank
2) Save part of the money and spent some
3) Spent all the money

He chose option 2. Phew...

Then I asked him if he wants to spent the money on food or toys? No prize for guessing the right answer. 

Then I gave him 2 options again. 

1) Spent the money to buy a big toy (more expensive) for himself
2) Spent the money to buy 2 smaller toys (cheaper) for himself and mei mei

Phew again. He chose option 2. I'm so proud of him!

At the toy shop, he impressed me again when he realised all the toys he picked were over the budget. Instead of trying to either bargain for more budget or getting a cheaper one for sister so he can get the more expensive toy he wanted, he simply put back the more expensive toys and went for the cheaper ones. Silly? Innocence? Or simply level headed and down to earth?  

Happy with their new toys. 

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