Sunday, August 24, 2014

MacRitchie TreeTop Walk

Been wanting to bring gor gor on a nature walk for a long time but because mei mei is still young so has been putting it off. Don't wanna be stuck in a situation whereby papa has to carry her along. That would be too tiring. But after a few recent trips to parks and reservoirs, we think she is ready for longer distance trekking because this little toughie likes to walk and is able to walk quite a distance too!

Today, we visited HSBC TreeTop Walk (TTW) at MacRitchie. More information on the walk can be found here. Round trip from car park (Venus Drive) to the TTW would take about 3 hrs. As we have along a 2 yr old and my mum who has knee issues, our walk took nearly 4.5hrs.

Grandpa brought trekking poles for the kids. They are all ready to hit the track! 

We started at 7am. The air was fresh, foliage green and still wet from the morning dew and there was a stream with clear water running along part of the track. Feels so out of the world in the concrete city we live in.

Wondered what was in grandpa's bag. So big and bulky. Later found out that he brought along japanese cookies he bought from Meidiya the day before and fruits for the kids. Amazing.

At the start of the Tree Top Walk. The total length of the walkway is about 250m and its height from the forest floor varies, with the highest point at 25m. The bridge is very stable but it's still kinda scary when you look down from it. 

Somewhere in the middle of the bridge.

View from the bridge.

This fearless little gal is not afraid of height at all.

He wanted me to read him all the boards he came across.

The monkeys here must be too used to seeing humans. They are not afraid at all! This one just sat there staring at me approaching it. I had to stop cos I worry it was going to jump on me if I get any closer. It was only when the rest of the family caught up with me then it went away. 

The power of zoom lens. LOL 

We definitely enjoyed the walk this morning and are sure to return another day. 
Just remember to bring lots of water and mozzie repellant.

NOTE from NParks

For your safety, public access to the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (BTNR) will be limited for about two years, with effect from 15 September 2014 as the National Parks Board (NParks) carries out repair and restoration works to the slopes, trails and forests in the reserve. NParks will also use the opportunity to upgrade its more than 20-year old visitor centre at the foot of BTNR.

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